Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 47
Saw an unexpected air show from my balcony this afternoon. Pretty impressive!
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 46
According to Masura Emoto, placing certain words on water containers actually changes the form of the water inside. I'm not sure about this, but this bottle is still kind of awesome; it's glass (so no chemicals end up in the water) and the pretty words and logos make me smile. If you want one (there are also some that say "peace" and "abundance"), you can find them at the Wellness Warehouse.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thankful Thursday
1. I am thankful for dinner dates with good friends.
2. I am thankful for my stabilising routine.
3. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with adorable and loving children in Khayelitsha.
Thankful Thursday
Cape Town, South Africa
Day 45
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 44
Spent the afternoon in Khayelitsha volunteering with SHAWCO.
I snapped this photo from the bus, but, I have to say this sort of photography makes me quite uncomfortable. As if the people are animals and I'm on safari. I'm behind the camera, deciding what to capture and what to leave out. I hold the power.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but whose words are these?
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Project 365
Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Day 43
I almost didn't mind waiting on campus for ages today. What a beautiful day!
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Day 42
These shoes are made for walking! And that's pretty handy considering my usual daily activities.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Week 6: Learn to Click
Week 6: Learn to Click
South Africa has eleven national languages. I know one of them; English. That's pretty pathetic. So I am going to try to make an effort to change this and start learning Xhosa (the African language most commonly spoken in the Cape). After all, why should the responsibility always lie with non-English speakers to put in extra effort in order to communicate?
Resolution: To begin taking Xhosa classes.
50 Weeks of Resolutions
Cape Town, South Africa
Day 41
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Day 40
Did you know paraffin candles emit carcinogens? Stick to beeswax or soy for cancer-free ambiance.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Day 39
Spent the afternoon at the stables watching children's riding lessons. Heard a lot of, "Give him a kick! He's just being lazy! Kick him again! Again, again, again! " I wonder if horses like being ridden... If not, why is this overlooked?
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Ultimate Perspective
If you ever feel as though something in your life is enormous, or insurmountable, or all-encompassing, take a look at this amazing website for an ultimate dose of perspective. It's sure to bring your life right back down to scale!
Day 38
A few of my pieces of bling. Pretty. Mostly hand-me-downs. But, I wonder how many of these bits of metal were mined in 'Blood Diamond'-esque conditions. These are the sorts of things that trouble me...
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Thankful Thursday
1. I'm thankful for interesting and inspiring lectures.
2. I'm thankful for lovely and intelligent classmates.
3. I'm thankful for early morning coffee.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day 37
Is it just an awesome form of entertainment and exercise?
Or might it be the new opium of the masses?
Or maybe it could be a peaceful alternative to war?
I know I'd prefer tackles to tanks, wouldn't you?
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Project 365
Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa
Our Living Lungs

Protect them.
Environmental Issues
Cape Town, South Africa
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 36
City planning is a funny thing; the idea that a small group of people wield the power to tell the majority where to live out their lives. In Apartheid South Africa, the Group Areas Act, and other similar laws, took this idea to the extreme through legislated segregation. If you were classified as 'white' in Cape Town, you were allowed to live in the leafy green suburbs near the mountains (either in Cape Town or Stellenbosch), but if you were classified as 'black' or 'coloured' you were relegated to the flats; the dusty, marshy, and generally horrible land in between.
Thankfully, today, 18 years after the ushering in of democracy and decades after the abolition of this legal segregation, individuals have freedom of movement and can live in any location they choose and can afford. However, as I sit on the Jameson Hall steps at UCT and look out over the landscape, it is impossible to ignore that not much has changed. While the importance of 'race' may be diminishing in terms of where people live, class-based differences still polarise the city; the suburbs are still inhabited mainly by middle and upper class individuals, while the flats, at times, are the picture of poverty.
In light of this fact, I find the location of UCT fascinating. Nestled on the slopes of Devil's Peak, the campus is literally elevated above the rest of the city. As if those sitting drinking coffee on the steps have made it. We are the elite who literally look down on the individuals who will never be where we are. We are the educated who hold the power of theory and definition. We, just like the statue of Cecil Rhodes which graces the foot of the steps, have the ability to survey the landscape; to see the big picture. We identify 'problems' in the distance and try to theorise solutions. We look out over the city we will, someday, lead or fix or rebuild or cure. And, sometimes we get overwhelmed and opt to stay safe in our ivy-draped ivory tower.
But, despite our elevation, if we are to be of any use we must remember that our view, while panoramic, is not accurate. If we want to understand the problems on the ground, we must start by climbing down the steps and putting our feet firmly on the ground.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 35
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Week 5: Lighten Up
Week 5: Lighten Up
One of the broader goals I have for this year is to make an effort to go green. So, this week I am taking a step in the right direction and replacing all of my light bulbs in my house with energy efficient compact fluorescents. Thanks to Eskom's light bulb exchange program many of my bulbs are already green, but there are still some in my house which are using far too much electricity.
Resolution: Replace all incandescent bulbs in my home with CFL bulbs.
50 Weeks of Resolutions,
Going Green
Cape Town, South Africa
Day 34
Today, I went to a delicious birthday lunch for my very good friend and intellectual sparing partner.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Day 33
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 32
Thursday, February 9, 2012
7 Billion
Ever wondered how the world population grew to 7 billion so quickly? This video explains the causes of accelerated population growth through an awesome graphic representation. Watch it!
Awesome Video Alert
Cape Town, South Africa
Day 31
Project 365
Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa
Thankful Thursday
1. I am thankful for my wonderful friends and family who made my birthday super special.
2. I am thankful that my boyfriend got me an awesome blender so I can make Kauai smoothies at home.
3. I am thankful for Skype.
Thankful Thursday
Cape Town, South Africa
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 30
Project 365
Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 29
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 28
Woke up to a hectic thunderstorm this morning. If I had a faster camera this would be a picture of the amazing lightening.
(Kodak EasyShare C513)
Project 365
Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa
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