Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 1: Meat-Free Mondays


Week 1: Meat-Free Mondays
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."  ~ Albert Einstein 
I have always been interested in vegetarianism. When I was younger the appeal sprang purely from a compassionate place; I did not want innocent animals to die. However, after watching Food Inc. and similarly horrifying documentaries about modern-day meat production, I have come to realise the numerous personal, social, and environmental benefits of vegan and vegetarian diets. The following video by EVOLVE! Campaigns outlines many of these benefits for those of you who are interested.

Thus, I have decided to hop on the bandwagon and take part in Meat Free Mondays. Although I will still be eating meat on the other six days of the week, hopefully this is just the first step towards adopting a more comprehensive vegetarian, and maybe even vegan, diet.

Resolution: Adopt a vegetarian diet on one day a week; Monday.

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